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Colorado Abstracted

Colorado Abstracted

An art portfolio for Maria Yu’s paintings of Colorado landscapes.
This app contains a bio with poems, an overview slide show, a painting-by-painting page view with animated transitions and with flip view of detailed painting info, a selection of inspirational writings with a different painting background, and an interactive map for the scenic areas around Boulder.

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Colorado Abstracted shows a great way for artists and entrepreneurs to present your art and business. If you would like to become the author of your own App, please view Own Your App

Colorado Abstracted presents artist Maria Yu’s encaustic paintings of the Colorado landscapes, especially impressions of the Boulder area. With vibrant colors and genuine expressions, Maria Yu’s art echos the enchanted landscapes in an ethereal and modern resonance.

There are five tabs in Colorado Abstracted:

  • The first tab presents the bio of Maria Yu and her two poems with a painting in the background.
  • The second tab gives a slide show of Maria Yu’s 20 encaustic paintings.
  • The third tab is a painting-by-painting view with the title, you can take time to view each individual painting, and flip the image to read info about the painting.
  • The fourth tab is a collection of Maria Yu’s eight inspirational writings, including her realization of self-expression and human existence, and about beauty and magic.
  • The fifth tab is an interactive map with location markers, you can tap the marker to get information of the surrounding scenic drives.